Tuesday, June 5, 2012

principles of design

Principles of Design

Harmony: Combination of variety and unity to create a room.

Unity- The room tied together with a common Denominator or theme.

Variety- The different shapes, colors, and objects in a room.


Proportion: The way that one part of an object relates to the whole object.

Scale: The way on abject relates to another object.

Balance: Visual Balance in a room, equal weight on all parts
of the room.

Formal-  Both sides are the same, or mirror images of each other.

Informal-  Asymmetrical side are different but visual weight is still equal.

Rhythm: The felling of movement in a room from one point to another. ( Repetition, Gradation, Opposition, Transition, and Radiation.)

Repetition - A design tool that is repeated. Usually one of the elements of design. (Space, Shape, Lines, Texture, Patters, and Color)

Gradation- Moves the eyes form one lights to darks of from small to large with one move of the elements.

Opposition- An abrupt change in color or line that keeps moving eyes.

Transition - How one part of design changes to another part.

Radiation - moves your eyes out from a center point.

Emphasis: the focal point of the room. There should only be one focal point. (Architectural emphasis like windows, staircases, fireplaces, ect....) is a great way to create a focal point.

Elements of design








20 Thinks That I like in Design

I like comfert rooms were you can just relax.

light that hang down and have lots of detail

The detail of the furnishings.

Another confert living room were you can sit and talk to frieds and family.

You can make anything out of thing just laying around the house and make it look good.

Black and white make everything stand out and the detail of the design make this light fixture look amazing.

Old Victorian  Bathroom lost of lighting and large mirror.

Modern Vitorian bedroom spacious, but yet so elegant.

I love big tubs.

Fun, beautiful design assessories to bring out your own style.

Lots of color and  detail in the craftmanship of this bathroom.

Have to have lots of counter and  space.

Old Victorian style beautiful were every you put it.

I love libraries in the home the make intellectually wonderful.

Eye catching.

Again have to have lost of cabinets. I love stainless steel everything. 

Victorian table

Large library with spiral staircase.

Confortable bedroom.

Vicorian China cabnet.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Six Word Memoirs

Six Word memoirs

Design see dreams and creat them.

Stay Strong everyone fails before success

Beauty in inside, hearts on sleaves.

Never say you cant do it…